FCAT has developed its very own bespoke approach to helping children to improve their vocabulary and understand unfamiliar words. The WIKI way is an approach which uses bookmarks with the most common prefixes, suffixes and root words for a range of subject areas Rather than defaulting to a dictionary, children become confident with what is on the bookmarks and then use other words they are familiar with to work out those they have not seen before. Teaching children that they know lots of words and they can use this to work out unfamiliar ones is the principle of the "WIKI way"- What I know, I will use!

There are various approaches used by WIKI

WIKI Prime is a bespoke reading intervention designed to support children who are struggling with basic decoding in their reading. Adapted phonics style activities help children to close gaps and catch up quickly.

WIKI Build is a bespoke reading intervention programme that ensures children at all levels can improve their reading and spelling as well as their understanding of etymology and morphology. This strategy overlaps with the curriculum as it is based on a series of bookmarks which are used in a range of lessons across the Academy. 

Reading tutors work with children and staff to learn how to use what they know to work out what they don't. Using the range of bookmarks, children are helped to break down a range of curriculum words to give them a deep understanding of vocabulary.

WIKI Flow is a bespoke reading intervention which measures and improves reading fluency. This is used to baseline the fluency of all children and those who are deemed to need further support are given additional practice in small groups with a reading intervention tutor.

WIKI Multi is a bespoke reading intervention which is tailored to support children for whom English is not their first language. Working on a 1:1 or in small groups. children are supported with decoding and confidence building in order that they can integrate effectively and access the curriculum.